Matching Grants

Matching Grants provide employees and retirees the opportunity to double their contributions to qualifying New Mexico 501(c)3 organizations or post-secondary educational institutions in the United States.

To Receive a PNM Matching Grant

  • The employee must be a full-time or part-time PNM employee or a PNM retiree.
  • Contributions must be made to qualifying 501(c)3 organizations in New Mexico or post-secondary educational institutions in the United States.
  • The monetary contribution must come from an individual; corporate gifts do not qualify.
  • Contributions must be in the form of cash or marketable securities. Grants, in-kind, dues, membership fees and pledges will not be matched.

The minimum match per calendar year is $25, maximum is $1,000. 

Nonprofit organizations that do not qualify to receive a PNM Matching Grant include organizations involved in political or lobbying activities and religious organizations.